Oat Milk


Oat milk is a nutritious, delicious alternative to dairy milk. Oats are known for their healing properties, providing a boost in energy, high protein and fiber. They can help lower cholesterol, boost your immune system, prevent heart disease, control sugar levels, and improve skin health. Plus its super easy and cheap to make!

Oat Milk

1 cup organic oats (rolled or steel-cut)

3 cups of water

Pour oats and water into a good blender. Let them soak for 20-30 mins. Then blend, until velvety and smooth. Pour oat mixture through a fine sifter or muslin cloth into a jug. It will keep in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Want to spice it up? Try vanilla extract, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon essential oil or cardamom.

Prefer it a little sweeter? Add a tablespoon of maple or date syrup.



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