Category Archives: Clean living

Oat Milk


Oat milk is a nutritious, delicious alternative to dairy milk. Oats are known for their healing properties, providing a boost in energy, high protein and fiber. They can help lower cholesterol, boost your immune system, prevent heart disease, control sugar levels, and improve skin health. Plus its super easy and cheap to make!

Oat Milk

1 cup organic oats (rolled or steel-cut)

3 cups of water

Pour oats and water into a good blender. Let them soak for 20-30 mins. Then blend, until velvety and smooth. Pour oat mixture through a fine sifter or muslin cloth into a jug. It will keep in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Want to spice it up? Try vanilla extract, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon essential oil or cardamom.

Prefer it a little sweeter? Add a tablespoon of maple or date syrup.



Orange-Cinnamon Bullet Proof Coffee


Some mornings require a bullet proof coffee! How do you make it better? By adding essential oils of course! Fat burning, detoxing and delicious! Here’s a recipe for my favorite version.

Orange-Cinnamon Bullet Proof Coffee

8oz freshly brewed, organic, free trade coffee

1 fat teaspoon organic, unrefined coconut oil

1 drop Young Living cinnamon EO

1 drop Young Living orange EO

I place all the ingredients in a large glass measuring jug and blend with a submersion blender for 15 seconds or so.

Then enjoy!


Super Noodles


Replace your high carbohydrate noodles with veggies! Nobody needs a big bowl or white flour, oil and sugar. A bowl of pure veggies disguised as noodles? My kids love them and it makes me feel good knowing they are filling up on nourishing, healthy foods.

Super Noodles

2 zucchini

2 carrots

1 sweet potato

One vegetable peeler or spiralizer.

Makes 2-4 servings depending on size.

Peel your veggies into long strips then set on paper towels to “dry” for 15 mins. Squeeze out excess liquid (super important step). Heat for 3-5 mins in a hot skillet with a good quality butter or coconut oil.


You can serve these with marinara, butter, grated Parmesan, curry or make noodle soup with them! Use them exactly like that unhealthy pasta and the possibilities are endless.


Deliciously Detoxing Ice Cream


Start your day with a heaping bowl of ice cream and detox your body while you eat it! This ice cream is chock full of antioxidants, super fruits, energizing oils, and tons of fiber. It also has zero fat, is super sweet and low in calories.

3 Ingredient Detox Ice Cream

1 banana, frozen

1 cup blueberries, frozen

1-2 ounces Ningxia Red

Makes one generous bowl.

To make this yummy treat just peel and freeze a banana for at least 6 hours. Take your frozen banana, frozen blueberries, 1-2 ounces of Ningxia Red and blend on high for 30 seconds.

That’s it! Whole, pure, nourishing food, that taste like a dessert!



Super Power of Cacao


Cacao is a super, yummy, health food that is becoming increasingly popular. It’s a part of my families everyday diet and here is why!

What is cacao anyway? Isn’t it just fancy cocoa?

Well kind of! It comes from the seed of the same tree, the Theobroma cacao, so it starts life as the same substance. Cacao is raw and minimally processed; where as cocoa is roasted, processed and sometimes mixed with additives and preservatives.


What makes cacao a super food?

MagnesiumCacao is the most concentrated source of magnesium found in nature. It is vitally important to heart, bone, muscle and nerve function. Studies have shown that up to 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. 

Fiber- Cacao has 9 grams of fiber per one ounce.

Iron which is necessary for red blood cell production.

Antioxidants- They are so important to your health because they absorb the free radicals that cause damage in the body.

Mood- Cacao stimulates the brains neurotransmitters that trigger emotions, so it can make you happier!!

Anandamide- is a lipid nick named “the bliss molecule” that is found in cacao. Another mood booster!

Phenylethylamine- Is a chemical our bodies also make naturally. It helps improve focus and alertness.

How can you use it? 

Cacao comes in a powder form and as nibs, which replace both cocoa and chocolate chips in my home. We use it in all recipes requiring either. Cookies, smoothies, pancakes, ice cream, you name it! Its very, versatile and has a great taste! I find it to be a bit sweeter than traditional cocoa.

nibs pow

So grab yourself a bag and try it out!


Fruits, Nuts and Essential Oils


A whole foods diet can make a huge difference in you life. Especially if you struggle with health issues or weight concerns. What does whole food mean exactly? Its food in its original form, nothing processed or manufactured. Nature at its best! Grains, fruit, vegetables, beans/legumes, nuts in their natural form. It can seem a little overwhelming at first, to change your whole way of eating, but with baby steps and great ideas you can get there and feel amazing again!


This was my lunch yesterday, Ningxia Red in my water, fruits and nuts, and a capsule of essential oils. I am trying to lean down a little, I can’t really call it baby weight anymore, since my baby is 4 years old!! Anyhow I’m sure some of you know how I feel! It’s hard to lose those last few pounds. So my capsule is for wellness and weight loss. I include lime, orange, peppermint, grapefruit, cinnamon and ginger essential oils. The perfect combo for what I need! Adding oils to your daily routine can really kick-start your health!

Need more ideas to get started? Follow along there will be more to come!!


Natural Sun Protection


Summer is one of my favorite times of the year! Farmers markets, gardening, swimming, vacations, all kinds of fun in the sun. It’s also the time of year for sun protection. Most over the counter versions of sunscreen are full of toxic chemicals, even the natural versions are sometimes questionable. I like to know exactly what I’m putting on my children. This year I am making my own. My fair-skinned friend has had great luck with it on her and her children. The great thing about these recipes, they aren’t only natural and pure, they are actually good for you!


Version #1

1 bottle YL Lavender lotion

1 bottle Myrrh EO

1 bottle Carrot Seed EO

Blend the essential oils with the lotion, then store in a glass jar. Apply 20 mins before heading into the sun. Reapply every 60-90 mins.

Version #2

1/2 cup Shea butter

1/2 cup coconut oil

1 bottle Carrot Seed EO

40 drops Lavender EO

Melt the Shea and coconut oil together. I use the double boiler method. Then whip the oils together with a hand mixer, you can set the bowl in ice to speed up the process. When the mixture starts to thicken add in the essential oils and continue until thick and creamy. Apply 20 mins before heading into the sun. Reapply every 60-90 mins.

**For two in one, sunscreen and bug repellent take recipe #2 and switch the Lavender, for Purification 🙂

I only use the very, best essential oils on my family, Young Living. For more info on those click here.



Ningxia Red Smoothie


This week I started using Ningxia Red as part of my daily routine. Wow, what a difference! I have so much more energy, require less sleep and have such a balanced mood. It’s a keeper for sure! I wanted to share one of my favorite ways to drink it each morning; quick, easy and tasty!

Ningxia Red Smoothie

1oz Ningxia Red
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 banana
Large handful of good greens (kale, spinach etc.)
1 tablespoon cacao nibs
1/2 cup water

Put all the ingredients into a good blender, blend until silky, smooth. Then drink up!


