Category Archives: Natural homemade cleaning products

Benefits of lime essential oil


I have recently discovered a new favorite oil.  Lime!  It smells like tart candy and tastes amazing.


Because I seem to be consuming it daily in my water – I did a little research to figure out if there were side benefits besides getting me to drink more water.  I found out it does all sorts of things, and is one of the cheapest oils you can buy – bonus.

Lime oil may help regulate blood pressure, especially due to stress.  Lime is one of the key ingredients in one of my favorite oil blends, Stress Away.  I know Rachel can attest to its ability to lower blood pressure.

By adding a  drop to your water throughout your day, you are also increasing your energy levels and boosting your mood. Who doesn’t need that?

Lime is a powerful antiseptic, and when applied externally, it can cure infections on the skin and in wounds.

Along the same line, lime oil helps to fight and protect against viral infections, which may cause the common cold and all strains of influenza.

Consuming lime oil in your water daily is known to help aid in weight loss

Lime oil will tone muscles, tissues and skin as well as the various systems that function in the body, including the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, digestive and excretory systems.

Lime oil can reduce pain in the muscles and joints and is a very good antioxidant.

This is cool – when consumed, lime oil is known to heal infections of the throat, mouth, colon, stomach, intestines, and urinary system. It is also miraculously effective in curing sores, psoriasis, ulcers, and rashes.

Mix 2-3 drops of lime oil in 1 ounce of water. Mix well, and then place on cotton ball. Apply to acne.  Can also be used as a toner for oily skin.

Something that I am excited to try, I read that for varicose veins you can mix 2-3 drops in a carrier oil and massage on affected area.

For arthritis and rheumatism, use 2-3 drops in 1 ounce of carrier oil and massage on affected area to help heal and alleviate pain.



a safe alternative to hand sanitizer


For those of us who do not home school, back to school means back to the cesspool of germs that our children are exposed to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Our teachers instruct us to bring Costco size containers of hand sanitizer to help combat those pesky germs.  What does hand sanitizer have in it?

Triclosan.  Learn it.  Know it.  Avoid it.  It’s everywhere.

Triclosan is scary stuff.  A recent study of triclosan at U.C. Davis found that it attaches itself to the receptor molecules on the surface of brain cells and causes the calcium levels inside the cell to rise, so that the cells become overexcited, resulting in cellular death. This over excitation can impact mental development and behavior, particularly among those most vulnerable—children with developmental delays and children on the autism spectrum.

Studies have also shown triclosan to depress the central nervous system.  There are a multitude of studies going on right now that are correlating the use of triclosan containing soaps and waterless sanitizers to autism.  Dr. Isaac Pessah named triclosan as a prime suspect among environmental factors that might cause autism.

Worried about hormone disruption with the use of hand sanitizer?  Not something you had thought of previously, right?  You should.  Triclosan has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor. Triclosan can bind to receptor sites in the body and block normal thyroid function. Endocrine disruptors have been correlated to childhood obesity, type II diabetes and a many other chronic health problems. Triclocarban, another form of that nasty stuff,  has been found to have a new type of hormone altering action. It acts synergistically  with the effects of testosterone and estrogen already being produced in the body. Just one bath with soaps containing these chemicals provides the same body weight dose of chemicals given to rats in experiments that demonstrated significant hormonal changes.  Holy cow people!!  Our kids are using the stuff 6-10 times a day on average!

What can you use to replace Triclosan?thieves

Thieves oil Thieves hand sanitzer!  Not only all natural, but actually boosts your immunity, boosts your body’s ability to fight germs, no ill side effects!

This is what Thieves contains.

  • Clove oil – Contains high concentrations of eugenol, which is what your dentist uses as an analgesic and antiseptic. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, oil of clove is ideal for treating wound, bruises, scabies, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, prickly heat, insect bites and other types of injuries. This oil is a natural aphrodisiac (true story), and can be used as an effective stress reliever. Its stimulating effect can combat mental exhaustion and fatigue. Clove oil can be warm on the skin though, so it should be diluted before use, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  • Lemon oil – Known for its  amazing cleaning capabilities, lemon oil is an incredibly strong antioxident. Additionally, this oil is believed to provide boost to the immune system, treat neurological disorders, ease pain, and help with weight loss.  (who doesn’t love that side effect??)
  • Cinnamon oil – Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, has antioxidant, and anti-bacterial properties. Researchers have discovered that specific type of cinnamon, known as cassia cinnamon oil can stabilize the blood sugar of people with diabetes.
  • Eucalyptus oil – Useful for treating respiratory problems such as colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. It has antiseptic properties that are effective for healing wounds, burns, ulcers, abrasions and sores. A stimulant, eucalyptus can also be effective in relieving stress and anxieties thanks to its cooling and refreshing effect. This essential oil has been known to possess anti-microbial properties, which helps prevent different symptoms and diseases.
  • Rosemary oil – Boosts circulatory and digestive functions. This essential oil also has antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that make it effective in getting rid of eczema, dermatitis, and acne. When inhaled, Rosemary oil it can restore mental alertness as well as clear the respiratory tract.

Rub a drop of this super powered oil diluted with coconut oil or another carrier, on  the bottom of your kid’s feet before school.  Send them with Thieves hand sanitizer (which you can purchase or make in a mix in a little spray bottle).  Teach your teachers about it!  When they get home, diffuse it in the house for 30 minutes.  Just 30 minutes of diffusing kills 99.6% of germs in the air.

There is always a more natural, safe alternative to chemicals.  Research, ask questions, do what is best for your family.

Want to order Thieves for your family? Here’s how.


essential oils for cats and dogs


Dogs and cats are coated in harmful chemicals every year to prevent fleas, ticks, and Mosquitoes; which we in turn are exposing ourselves to. They are also treated with medications that are harmful to their systems, for pain relief, ear infections etc. Plus they are bathed in shampoo full of chemicals. Our furry friends deserve better, and there are plenty of healthy, natural alternatives to be used.


Fleas, ticks, Mosquitoes treatments can easily be replaced by purification. To treat dogs you will need a 50/50 combo of purification and a carrier oil such as coconut oil. Rub it over their bodies, make sure to get their legs, belly and ears well. For cats dilute by 75%, and do the same. At first apply once a week, you can gradually space out to once every 3-4 weeks. Your pets will smell fresh, and they will be bug free, naturally.


Painful joints or muscles can be relieved with some copaiba, deep relief or pan away and peppermint combine with a carrier oil 50/50 for dogs and by 75% for cats then massage into their painful spot. Your friend will be grateful and feel much better.


Ear infections can be soothed with lavender and melrose, diluted with coconut oil, by 50% for dogs, and 75% for cats, rub into your pets ears a couple of times a day, for much happier ears!


Ear mite’s can be treated with purification and peppermint. Use 2 drops of purification, with 1 drop peppermint, mixed well with teaspoon a carrier oil. Dip a cotton ball into mixture and swipe in the inside of your pets ears, being careful not to go into to the ear canal. If their ears are inflamed you can also add lavender to the mix.



Cut, scrapes and lacerations can be healed quickly and easily with lavender oil. Dilute with coconut oil, by 50% for dogs and by 75% for cats then apply to the injury.


Anxiety can be eased with a little peace and calming. Dilute with a carrier, then rub just inside  your pets ears, and wipe the access on their body.


Digestive issues can be solved with an application of di gize, dilute 50% for dogs, and 75% for cats then apply to their abdominal area. You can apply again as needed.


Dental pain can be relieved with some thieves, this is the only oil I wouldn’t dilute when using on my pet. Just put a dab on your finger and apply to sore area of your pets mouth.


Pet shampoo recipe- this one has oils to help with allergies, but you can change them up however you like.

1/2 a cup Castile soap

1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin

1-1/2 cups Water

2 drops lavender, 2 drops lemon and 1 drop peppermint oil

Mix ingredients in a jar, and the shampoo is ready to go!



Try some of these on your own pets, for happier, healthier friends!



essential oils for children


Whether you are preparing for the new school year, or planning ahead for winter, this is a great time of year to get started with essential oils. Mothers want only the best for their babies, always. So helping them live healthier, and limiting their exposure to harmful chemicals is a key part of that.  Here are some great ways of doing that!

Children’s body wash is super simple to make. Here’s a recipe that we use.

2 tablespoons castile soap

1/2 cup coconut milk

1 teaspoon glycerin

4-6 drops of your favorite essential oil


a bottle or jar to store body wash

Combine all the ingredients, gently shake and its ready to use.

Children’s moisturizer can easily be made by just mixing a few drops of lavender oil into a cup of coconut oil. Coconut oil is so good for their skin, for many reasons, but that’s for another post 🙂



General health can be maintained with citrus oil. Have your child drink a glass of water each morning with a drop of lemon oil, or drop it right onto their tongue. Mix it up and try some other citrus oils in the same way.

Cuts, scrapes and burns can be treated simply with lavender oil. Directly apply a drop to the effected area a couple of times a day.

Pain such as headaches, bumps and bruises can be soothed with peppermint, copaiba or panaway. Apply directly or with a carrier to painful area and watch the pain fade away.

Help your child get a better nights sleep, with lavender, peace and calming and cedarwood. Apply directly or diffuse next to their bed for a fantastic nights sleep.

Tantrums can be calmed with some peace and calming, rub a drop or too on the back of their neck and watch them return to their happy selves. Magical if you have a toddler. Valor is another oil you can try.

Fevers can be reduced with the aide of peppermint, apply to back of child’s neck, feet and down their spine. You may want to mix it with a carrier oil.

Teething, and gum pain due to things like canker sores can be numbed with thieves, apply directly to the area for hours of relief.


Eczema can be soothed with coconut oil and a few drops of lavender and melrose. If you think the Eczema is allergy related, try olive oil mixed with a couple of drops each lavender, lemon and peppermint. It works like a charm!

Allergies in general can be treated with lavender, lemon and peppermint. Your child can take 4 drops of each in a capsule once a day. If you prefer or your child’s too young to swallow a capsule, you can diffuse the oils and apply them topically.


You child’s general illnesses can be reduced in length by applying thieves oil to the bottom of their feet a few times a day.

Respiratory viruses and asthma symptoms can be treated with the rotation of raven and RC. Rub a drop or two on your child’s back and chest, once an hour or until symptoms are reduced.

Stomach upset can be relieved by rubbing peppermint or di gize on to your child’s abdomen. You can also have them ingest a drop or two. Constipation can also be eased by using the same method, but its also recommended that your child use a citrus oil daily in a glass of water.

Ear infections can be treated with lavender and melrose, 2 drops each on a cotton ball placed over your child’s ear and held in place with a band-aid. Leave it there for at least 30 mins and have your child lie on that ear if you can. Also rub copiaba and lemon around the ear for pain relief and thieves under their feet.

Sun screen can be replaced by using carrot seed oil mixed in a little coconut oil. The spf will be around 35.


ADHD symptoms can be reduced multiple ways, by either diffusing or topically applying valor, grounding, peace and calming, stress away, vetiver or clarity. Pick one to start with and then add in others or switch as necessary. Stress away and valor have really helped my sons concentration during school.

Sore throats can be soothed by having your child gargle thieves and lemon (it is safe to swallow), or by eating a spoon of honey with a drop each.

Toothpaste is known to have fluoride and a number of chemicals that aren’t necessarily safe for adults, that alone children. Young Living has a great, tasty alternative that my children love, its part of their kids scents line and called Silque toothpaste.


Hand sanitizer is another must have with children around. Young Living has a carcinogen free version, called thieves waterless hand purifier that leaves your children’s hands soft and germ free.


As for general cleaning of toys and household, a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water with a couple of drops of thieves in a spray bottle works wonders. No need to rinse, the vinegar smell will fade as the item or area dries.

Hopefully these ideas will help make your family’s home a healthier place.







essential oils for baby


Everyone wants the best for their child, and most Mama’s are especially cautious with what they use on and around their infants. Essential oils are the perfect choice when it comes to a safe, natural, non-toxic, chemical free way to care for baby.

Baby wash can be made be made very simply, and leave baby smelling sweet and clean. Here is a great recipe:

2 tablespoons baby mild castile soap

4 drops of lavender oil (or your favorite scent)


a foam soap dispenser

Merely pour the castile soap and lavender into the dispenser and fill with water. Gently shake, and viola your done.

Baby lotion is a painless mixture of coconut oil and  lavender. It leaves baby smelling delight and leaves their skin soft and moisturized.


Diaper ointment can easily be made by combining coconut oil with a few drops of lavender and melrose.

Eczema or dermatitis can be treated with a carrier of coconut oil or olive oil, combined with a couple of drops each of lavender, melrose and lemon essential oils. Peppermint is also an add in option, though there is some controversy surrounding the use in children under two.

Gas can be soothed with a drop of gentle baby combined with a teaspoon of carrier oil, then rub on baby’s abdomen.


Colic is calmed by using bergamont, ylang ylang or roman chamomile mixed with a carrier rubbed on to baby’s chest.

Fussiness or restless nights can be alleviated by either diffusing  or topically using peace and calming, cedarwood and/or lavender.  Valor is also a good calming option.

Cradle cap is an easy fix with coconut oil and either rose and/or melaleuca oil. You can always add some lavender to sweeten the smell too.


Teething can be eased by using thieves oil rubbed directly on to baby’s gums. I used it on my 10 year old’s sore gums and she said the relief lasted for over 3 hours!

Ear infections can be treated by placing 2 drops each of melrose and lavender on a cotton ball and placing on baby’s ear held in place by you or a band-aide. Rub some lemon and copaiba around baby’s ear for pain relief, and some thieves on the bottom of their feet as an anti-viral.

**Please remember not to leave baby unsupervised while treating their ear with the cotton ball, its a choking hazard.**

Upset tummies can be soothed with di gize or peppermint (another age controversial use), mix with carrier and apply topically to baby’s abdomen.


General illnesses can be shortened by rubbing theives on the bottom of babies feet a couple of times a day.

Respiratory illnesses can be eased with the use of raven and RC, rotate between the two. Mix a drop with a carrier oil and rub on babies chest and back.

Disinfecting toys and home can be done simply with a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and a few drops of theives. No need to rinse toys after cleaning, the vinegar smell with fade as the item drys.

Love on your baby and try a few of these 🙂





2 minute citrus lip balm!


I am lip balm obsessed.  I have purchased every brand, flavor, size and shape.  I have them everywhere.  They are in my car, purse, work bag, nightstand, bathroom, kitchen, everywhere.

I just could not stop buying them, because I knew I could find the perfect one.  I don’t like them too sticky, fruity, waxy or thin.  They need staying power.  They need just enough scent and flavor.  They need all natural ingredients.  I know, it is a lot of thought over lip balm.  Show me grace, it’s my thing.

I decided to make my own when nothing fit my requirements, and my husband was tiring of finding them everywhere.

Who knew it was easy to create lip perfection!

What you need:

shea butter (super cheap, can find if on amazon)

coconut oil (unrefined)

beeswax (amazon, farmer’s market, health food store)

essential oil of choice (I used a mix of citrus fresh and grapefruit this time)

12 empty lip balm containers (tubes, pots, whatever you prefer, again on amazon)


Now the fun part.

Take 2 tablespoons of the beeswax, Shea butter, and coconut oil and melt in a glass bowl in the microwave for about 1-2 minutes, in 30 second intervals, stirring in between.

Add a few drops of your oils.  Stir.  Pour into containers.  Let it sit until firm.

Done!  Lip perfection!



Smells just just like summer.




~ Jennifer

homemade natural laundry soap


After years of buying natural laundry soaps and paying a pretty penny for them I decided to try making my own. I tried a liquid version, and it did not impress me. So I tried this powder version, I love it, it’s cheap and works great! Clean smelling clothes, with out any harmful chemicals – perfect!


I keep the measurements simple:

1 box of borax
1 box of washing soda
1 small box of baking soda
1 bar of Castile soap

Firstly I use my food processor to grate the soap, you could easily do this by hand though.


Next I pour the borax, washing soda and baking soda in to a large bowl, and add the grated soap.


Stir well, so everything is evenly dispersed. Then store in a large container, or jars like I do. I get 2.5 gallon size jars with this recipe. You only need 1-2 tablespoons per load. It lasts months! Even in my household where the washing never stops.


Try it and let me know what you think!
