Welcome to the blog! I’m Jennifer, one of the two contributing authors. I am a little crunchy, love Jesus, and completely enjoy researching all subjects related to natural health. I am a small town girl married to a city boy. We have had five children in the last thirteen years and have managed to stay married throughout!

We have lived a life reversed of societal expectations in which I work as a nurse and part time college professor while he has been home raising the brood and simultaneously getting his masters in engineering.

We recently dove into the study and use of essential oils. I am completely fascinated by their abilities to cross the blood brain barrier, get past cell walls, and travel through every cell in your body in under 20 minutes… all the science behind them. My family is more interested in the fact that they heal their sniffles, bruises, bug bites, calm mama’s nerves and help us all sleep better.

I have six main reasons I love learning more about natural alternatives to the toxic junk in our world; and they are pictured with me here.


I’m Rachel, a crunchy, slightly hippy, Brit, dropped in the middle of the Midwest. My bilingual, fun-loving family and I live a somewhat unconventional life. My dear husband Ray and I homeschool our four children, while keeping up with our full time medical careers. We try to keep our family diverse by incorporating both my English and Ray’s Mexican heritage in to our daily lives.

My loves include our family, gardening, dreaming of a homestead, healthy vegetarian cooking and clean eating, essential oils, natural living, our chaotic animals and renovating our home. My one goal in life is to ensure the happiness and the health of my babies. I try each day to be a better Mama than I was the day before.

Love your family. Spend time, be kind and serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised and today is short. -Unknown

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If you are interested in becoming a Young Living wholesale member (kind of like joining Costco) or trying essential oils check out our post how to buy YL essential oils.

If you have any questions at all, please email us here, or  comment on our Facebook page Lavender and Lollipops.


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